
Unintended humour?

Taking these steps is vital to protect staff, their professional standing and the conditions under which they work, as well as the integrity of The Japan Times and the survival of the distinctive and important journalism it practices in an environment where press freedom is under threat.


Leaving political issues aside, at its best the Japan Times makes it up to the level of a high school newspaper in rural Oklahoma.  Despite claiming to have approximately 130 staff, it produces very little content of its own.  On any given day, much of what appears in the paper is bought in from various wire and syndication services.

If anything, the Japan Times is a major source of misinformation about Japan.  My favourite example:

That a woman could be arrested in this day and age for such an act — and in a country where sexually explicit manga and imitation-vagina sex toys are sold at convenience stores — seemed absurd. Surely the police had more “obscene” things to go after?

The porn, such as it is, that has been available in convenience stores is not sexually explicit as that term is usually defined and these stores do not sell sex toys of any kind.

My guess is that the author thinks Don Quixote, which does sell both male and female sex toys, is a convenience store.  

Either the foreign editorial staff does not know enough about Japan to spot such absurd claims or more likely they are happy to publish anything that denigrates Japan and the Japanese.

Other commentary on this flap at the Japan Times.

'Fear' and 'favor' chill newsroom at storied Japanese paper

'Comfort women': anger as Japan paper alters description of WWII terms

Reinventing the Japan Times: How Japan’s oldest English-language newspaper tacked right: Updated

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