
It’s Not Just Japan. Many U.S. States Require Transgender People Get Sterilized

In the past few days there have been a number of news reports derived from a Human Rights Watch missive citing a recent Japanese Supreme Court ruling to the effect that it was not unconstitutional to require people who want formal legal recognition of a gender change to be "sterilized."

In other words, if you are a biological male but want to be legally recognized as female, you need to have your male kit (aka junk) removed.

All the usual Japan bashers and those who hold to the belief that countries run by white people do it better chimed in with all the usual cliches about Japan and its alleged cultural backwardness.

This article by someone with a vested interest in the subject shows that some political entities run by white people are just as "backward" as Japan.


The Daily Beast sometimes gets it right.

One obvious question in this context is what do women think about this.  How many women would want a biological male with all his reproductive kit still in place showing up in their changing room at a fitness center solely on the basis that "I regard myself as a woman and therefore I am a woman."

Aside from the failure to recognize that Japan was anything but unique in having the sterilization requirement for formal recognition of gender change was the total and abject failure of any writing to note that there are not a few feminists particularly in Britain who reject the idea that a trangender biological male with or without his/her original plumbing is a woman and such recognition constitutes "female erasure."

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